Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hello me it's me again.

For a while there i thought i'd died. Without the almighty internet i am having a very hard time knowing how to eat, sleep, walk, talk breathe. I am not serious.

So today we are in South Lake Tahoe, California. As you will see below we have made it out of Colorado and into/through Arizona, Utah, Nevada and into California. California is the Golden State. It was called that because they had a fair amount of this metal substance in the ground called "gold". It is this shiny rock-like item that people have turned themselves inside out for for many, many years now. However, this is no longer the reason for the nick-name. At least from this casual passer-by. Now it seems to be the Golden State due to the fact that all previously green items are now burnt by the sun into a nice golden hue. As we drove through it (aside from Yosemite which is still dry but not golden) i wondered why it was not all on fire in front of my eyes. Some things are left unknown to us humans for a reason so i should leave that one alone.

At any rate here is what it looked like for us to drive from Durango, CO through to Yosemite National Park where all of my batteries died and i have not taken another picture since :

Night Moves :

The forest at night :
The last supper of Durango, CO (with cooking lessons from Micah to Jon) :

The Four Corners area :

Arizona :

The Little Colorado River Canyon near the Grand Canyon :

Camping on National Forest land outside the Grand Canyon. Sun bleached animal bones galore :

Jon searching for scorpions :
The Grand Canyon :

Little chippies :

Arizona extended :

Utah coyote campsite :
Zion National Park :

Nevada is a never ending desert with sketchy towns and aliens only :

Nevada sunset :

Yosemite National Park, California :

El Capitan :
One of several domes :
Into the backcountry at Yosemite. Mr Christopher Davis took the following photos :

Upon returning to the village campsite where all of the tourists from L.A. and San Francisco are watching movies on the projector and wearing high heels while jaunting around in "nature" you may feel like this :